Monday, July 30, 2007

semana passada

(at Xaga... with random taiwanese girls)

I still have to write more about the HK trip... but for now lets focus on this past week…

Its weird, time here goes by really fast but really slowly…. We are always busy so days fly by… but at the same time it seems like I’ve been livin here “fo eva eva!”


Monday was a major bum day for these princesses! We were mega tired from HK and still got up for mandarin class… Prof. David is the shizoz and we enjoy learning the subject… plus, we have a test coming up on Friday!!!! Ok so we skipped the boring afternoon classes but we feel really bad about it! Attendance has been going dooownnn…. Not even the harvards go anymore…

Tuesday: Bum day number two! Not really… it was supposed to be a free day but since we skipped class to go to HK last week, we had to work on our video.

What for?

I don’t really know yet … we had no guidelines or reasons of why to do this except the fact that we are studying digital-tech and communications for this part of the course… I gonna try to upload the edited result here soon… its pretty bad and embarrassing….

On Wed we went out to Xaga (yes im totally skipping info about classes because it was totally booooring)…. The club was real nice ... it was ladies night and we got in for free…. Hip Hop played all night… the Asians dance and dress as if they were in a cheesy hiphop video… the girls spasm while wearing bikini tops and micro skirts… They are friendly too…. We were imitating/making fun of them… you know my style… and they loved it…..

garota bombandooo na pista....

There is absolutely no interaction between the boys and girls, they each dance with their same sexed group of friends… except for the American boys that came “with” us (they gave us no attention) who were harassing all the girls….

Thursday was the course related trip about wed’s class… bem sem graca…. Eu estava doente, mas como sabia que muitos nao iam querer ir faltar, eu fui neh…. Acho um absuuuuuurdo essa galerinha folgada de fica matando aula pra bundar no quarto…. Tabom, eu faltei algumas aulas... mas estava viajando, tava “experiencing” Taiwan e HK..... e’ um motivo justificado vaiii????

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